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Refund & Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your trip, the cancellation is effective immediately.

Off Season (October – February)
Free cancellations until 24 hours before the booking start date.
Cancellations within 24 hours of the booking start date are non-refundable.

Peak Season (March – September)
Free cancellations until 5 days before the booking start date.
50% refund of booking charges for cancellations between 3-5 days before the booking start date.
Cancellations within 2 days of the booking start date are non-refundable.

Free cancellations until 15 days before the booking start date.
50% refund for cancellations between 5-14 days before the booking start date.
Cancellations within 5 days of the booking start date are non-refundable.

Trip modifications
If the booking is modified, the cancellation policy carries over to the new start date. However, if the edit took place during a cancellation fee period, the original policy will apply in event of a canceled booking.

Weather-related cancellations
GoBoating can issue a weather cancelation in the event of lightning, thunderstorms, heavy rain, or heavy wind within eight (8) hours of the scheduled rental start time. If this cancellation occurs, the renter may be eligible for a refund or elect to select a different date or location if available.

Extenuating circumstances
GoBoating may make an exception standard cancellation policy and offer a refund if the following extenuating circumstances occur:

For reservations within 150 miles of named or numbered storms.
Safety-related cancellations stemming from a weather event within eight hours or the time of the scheduled rental.
Death in the family.
Natural disaster.
Political unrest.
Restrictions imposed by National Parks Service or Governmental entity
Mechanical issue with the boat that causes your rental to end prematurely.
Air Quality Index (AQI) readings over 150 in the rental area on the rental start date.
GoBoating refers to Air Quality Ratings:

All cancellations due to extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by a support team member.

In the event of extenuating circumstances, you may be entitled to a 100% refund.